In Situ.2003.Foldable Picnic Table, wooden toy furniture, tar.
There is a picnic foldable table, the cheapest and insignificant of tables, from Wal-Mart. So fragile and delicate that can almost not stand it's own weight. Some dollhouse furniture burned to charcoal and tar. These are the basic ingredients for this piece.
The picnic, movable, transportable, disposable table is folded; at least it's legs, like resting. It is hanged on the wall like a picture; always denying it's nature. So it is not moving any more, it has never seen the outdoors.
The table is covered with tar, the infamous but loved tar, the one that lead us to modernity and war. It is the natural daughter of earth, cousin to gasoline and plastic. Tar, good for us sometimes, and not some others. Any way so beautiful, so dark, so night.
On top of this landscape of dim life, some burned furniture, tables that remind us of our childhood... nightmare. Burned to be purified, purified, as after a fire the remains are the only what is left, perhaps waiting to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix? Arranged together like comforting one another. Wake up the dream is over!