Connecting dot by dot like a children's drawing book,
basting or sawing as a memory of motherhood,
the house in a simple landscape
three of them,
in the morning light blue
in the afternoon blue
in the evening dark blue
Primary step to understand the colors of nature
Primary step to understand community
Then, the alphabet
Linking spaces in between
Joining homes
the words, the languages
The Dream come true
the puzzle
Large drawings installed on the wall inspired by children's dot drawings. They are images of houses as seen in a real estate magazine.
It is a house void of personality; a plain descriptive house for you to add anything and everything you want. This house looks like any other house, here or anywhere.
After working on the photo image a simplified image of the house became the drawing. This drawing brings a memory, somewhat blurry but concrete to your mind.
The large drawings made of thread and wire, sometimes gold, some others blue, connecting the brass nails that are placed over each dot. Some of the nails are numbered as in the original dot drawings, suggesting the possibility of anyone constructing their house or suggesting some rationality within the unnumbered dots. The drawing is actually an exact enlarged copy of the original. Dreams are real.
GOLD HOUSE.Exercise #4. 2002. Gold thread, gold wire, gold ink, gold nails, digital prints.
Down Detail.Down Right Detail.
Down Detail Images Hunging from Thread.
En "Como hacer el dibujo de una casa", se toman materiales con claras referencias a la idea de lo domestico como real constructor de clases sociales. Hilo de oro, cuadernos de dibujo, clavos. la imagen de una casa.
La casa soñada como fin. El dibujo de "conectar puntos" o "dot drawing", la numeracion, lo consecutivo, el orden, la telaraña.
Enormes dibujos de estas casas de catalogo en la pared como diciendo, sino las tengo las hago. Dispendiosamente reproduciendo este dibujo, señalando cada uno de los puntos conectores, la estructura de este y luego intentandp numerar el orden de estos dibujos para hacer una linea continua que logicamente no era posible. El resultado evocador tiene la fuerza de la energia domestica y una directa relacion con los cuadros de pared que retratan lo que hay en la cabeza y el corazon de los habitantes de estos lugares.
Los sueños.
Ejercicios anteriores
Exercise #3.2002
Ciel thread, #168 treasure blue thread, #117 miniature blue thread, rubon lettering, vinyl lettering, images from Harmon
homes magazine.
Exercise #3.2002
Exercise #3.2002
Digital Print.